Listening to Every Voice
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Coming together for a stronger Doncaster
Infrastructure support for the Voluntary and Community Faith Sector (VCFS) is key in safeguarding the future of communities across Doncaster. Well Doncaster, working alongside the VCFS, have co-produced a new Voluntary and Community Faith Sector Forum.
The VCFS Forum is for all VCF organisations supporting resident across the city. It also has representatives from the Sector, chosen by their peers to be a voice for each of Team Doncaster Great 8 Priorities. Each Great 8 VCFS Representatives has experience working within the priority they represent. Details of each Representative are below and ready to be contacted by VCFS organisations to understand your priorities and connect you with others across the Sector.
Andrew Jackson,, Great 8 Priority: Tackling Climate Change
Danielle Betts,, Great 8 Priority: Developing the Skills to Thrive in Life and Work
Andy Simpson,, Great 8 Priority: Making Doncaster the Best Place to do Business and Create Good Jobs
Kelly Hicks,, Great 8 Priority: Building Opportunities for Healthier, Happier and Longer Lives for All
Clynton Johnson,, Great 8 Priority: Creating a Safer, Stronger, Greener and Cleaner Communities Where Everyone Belongs
Amy Walker,, Great 8 Priority: Nurturing a Child and Family-Friendly Borough
Alex Chadburn,, Building Transport and Digital Connections Fit For the Future
Leigh Armstrong,, Great 8 Priority: Promoting the Borough and it's Cultural, Sporting and Heritage Opportunities
It is important to hear from all members of the VCFS and this short questionnaire is for all VCFS organisations to highlight key areas and topics they would like to be raised and discussed in the Forum based around the Great 8 priorities for Doncaster.
If you are a voluntary, community or faith organisation working in Doncaster, please complete this short questionnaire by selecting the priority or priorities that you would like discussed at Forum meetings. The information you give will also be fed into Team Doncaster Boards and Groups by the Great 8 Representatives, making sure the needs and insight of the VCFS are fully represented.
The questionnaire can be completed more then once so that the Forum is up to date with the priorities and needs of the VCFS and Doncaster's residents.