City Centre Conversations at ECO after school club

Article Added: 28/05/24

Hopefully, by now you will be aware of the City Centre conversations that have been happening around Doncaster. If you haven’t had chance to talk to a member of our staff, you can share your thoughts here: Doncaster Big City Centre Survey — Doncaster Talks

Over the past 3 months the Well Doncaster team have been speaking to people who both live and work in Doncaster, finding out what they like about the city and what they would like to be different. The feedback from these conversations will be used when making future developments in and around the city centre. The conversations will also provide further information to support the development of the cities ‘Long Term Plan for Towns’ submission to the government. It is important to us that all communities and voices are represented in these conversations. We want to hear from people of all ages, backgrounds, and cultures.

A couple of our team members Hannah and Dhiren recently visited Eco’s afterschool club to speak to the children about how they would want their City Centre to look and feel like. We asked the children ‘What would you do if you were King or Queen of Doncaster for the day’ and asked them to draw pictures of their dream city, they then had to talk us through their ideas. Below are some of the comments from the children.

 ‘Have all the faces of special people on all the railings in the centre like the king and queen, we should also have board games on the walls to play’

 ‘I want a swimming pool with slides, a castle and a big play area’

‘a big splash park – I want people to be happy like when I’m in water’

‘ I want a big Henry Hoover to go and tidy up’

‘I’d like to see a football pitch, somewhere for us all to ride our bikes and play sports’

It was clear from our conversations with the kids that they wanted areas in the city centre to have fun and play! Thank you to the team at ECO for hosting all and to all the kids for their great ideas, that we can now feed into the plan.

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