Hannah Short

Job Title: Public Health Improvement Coordinator - Be Well 

Phone Number: 01302 737861

Email address: Hannah.short@doncaster.gov.uk

I have a BSc in Public Health and Nutrition and an MSC in Nutrition for Global Health. Before joining Well Doncaster I worked as a Community Lead for Lululemon in Queenstown, New Zealand. I would organise events, run clubs and cheer stands – encouraging our local community to be more active.  Prior to that role I worked for Age UK on a programme called Community Circles – the programme supported older residents in Doncaster to connect with each other though common interests, this helped people to feel less lonely and isolated. 

My current role involves leading on the operational delivery of Be Well Doncaster. We want everyone in Doncaster to know about Be Well, so more people can experience the benefits of Health Coaching and Peer Support Groups. A large part of my role involves promoting our work at events, conferences and within various communities in Doncaster. I support with programme delivery, making sure everything runs as smooth as possible and support the coaches within their roles. We are always keen to partner with different organisations so we can support more residents in Doncaster to lead healthier, happier lives. 

Fun fact: I once competed in a white-collar boxing event. I would practice outside in the garden with my partner, one day I accidently gave him a black eye while sparing.

What people appreciate about me: My positivity and enthusiasm. I get a lot of energy from meeting new people and finding out about their interests, ideas, and opinions – even if they are wildly different from my own. 

What is important to me: Spending time in nature. I love going for long walks in the woods behind my house with my dog Monty. Spending time with my family and friends – I love trying a new recipe and having people over for dinner. Laughter – it really is the best form of therapy! 

The thing I enjoy best about being part of Well Doncaster: I love having the time and freedom to explore new ideas with the people I work with. The variety of the work – no two days are the same. The opportunity to meet so many interesting people and groups who are so passionate about making their communities, happier and healthier.