1:1 Coaching
Change life for the better at your own pace, and in your own way, with 1:1 Be Well health coaching.
Contact a coachHow it works
Fill in the Coach referral form
You'll be connected with a Coach
You'll get 6 sessions with 1:1 support
Why choose 1:1 coaching?
1:1 coaching with Be Well is a positive, non-judgemental way to make changes to your day-to-day life. You can come to us for help with anything that's making it hard for you to live well, including low mood, difficulty sleeping, chronic health conditions and anxiety. Your coach will be completely focused on you, listening to what you have to say and offering lots of support, encouragement and guidance — but you'll always be in the driving seat. You'll share ideas and plans that work for you, which means you're more than likely to come away with something you can really stick to — and can start taking steps towards a healthier, happier life.
What is health coaching?
A health coach is just like a sports coach. But instead of cheering you on towards scoring a goal or winning a game, they inspire and prompt you to make changes in your everyday life. They won’t push you to do things you’re uncomfortable with, or make you feel bad if something doesn’t go to plan. It’s up to you what you do — and they’re here to guide, support, and advise you along the way.
How does coaching help?
One way we can see the impact our coaches make is by asking residents to rate how they’re feeling right at the beginning, and right at the end, of their sessions. On average, their scores tell us they’re more positive (+24%) with improved self-esteem (+44%), they’re managing their symptoms better (+23%), and they feel better about their lifestyle overall (+25%). So while our health coaches support people with all kinds of things, and success looks different for everyone, we know they’re helping residents to live better — and that’s why we’re here.
Real-life stories
Learn how Doncaster residents have taken ownership of their health with Be Well.
Hear how David got support managing his type 2 diabetes
Before being referred to Be Well 1:1 coaching, David had become complacent about his type 2 diabetes — but his blood sugar levels had been rising. So, he asked his health coach to work with him on two goals: moving more and eating less sugar. David’s coach helped him to find simple steps and swaps that he could stick to, including going for walks after his grandson’s football games, planning meals, eating slightly smaller portions, and choosing takeout coffees rather than sweet treats while out and about. By only the second session, David had increased his walking distance from 4000 to 6000 steps each week, and by the end of the coaching process he felt happier, healthier, and had brought his blood sugar levels down to a manageable level.
Karen used coaching to find a new direction after bereavement
After losing her spouse during the pandemic, Karen referred herself to Be Well 1:1 coaching for support in finding a new direction and routine. With her coach, she chose priorities for her sessions including ‘looking after yourself’, ‘managing money’, and ‘feeling positive’. Karen’s coach also helped her to think about her values, so that she could focus on the things that were most important to her. Realising she valued community but often felt lonely, her coach invited her to Be Well’s monthly Bereavement Peer Support Group, where she met other residents and was able to share her memories and experiences. Karen also agreed to go to bereavement counselling to continue working through her loss and was referred to Citizens Advice for financial support to help her claim the right benefits. Altogether, through coaching and peer support Karen was able to start rebuilding her life and community — and feel more positive about the future.
Peter worked with a coach to tackle boredom eating
Peter was referred to Be Well 1:1 coaching after having issues with fluctuating weight. He told his coach he was often eating out of boredom, and asked for support changing his behaviour and diet. With his coach, Peter started exploring why he wanted to lose weight — as an expectant father, he felt it was important to be fitter and healthier, and he wanted to have the energy to cope with his demanding job too. Over the sessions with his coach, Peter came up with small, achievable ways of changing his eating habits. He suggested swapping high fat and sugar snacks with fruit, but allowing a day a week for his favourite treats. He started planning his meals, and decided to try walking, watching a film, and playing games instead of eating when bored. He also joined a local slimming group with his friends to give him the motivation to stick to his plans. Over three months, Peter lost 1.5 stone and continues to gradually, sustainably lose weight.
Learn how coaching helped John to begin living better
Over the Covid-19 lockdowns, John lost his job and became unwell, depressed, and isolated. He was struggling to leave his home on his own, and after a varied career had lost his motivation to work. His Be Well health coach explained how food, sleep, movement and relaxation are thought to be the four pillars to living and feeling well, and this helped John to look at what he’d like to change. He was often sleeping on the sofa instead of going to bed, so he decided to work with his coach on developing a routine and making his bedroom more comfortable. John also felt he’d become reclusive, and experienced a lot of anxiety around leaving the house — his coach shared calming techniques to help him start getting out and about. Lastly, John knew that moving more would help him to feel better, and chose to walk to all of his sessions. With the seeds of change planted, John agreed to keep working on his health after coaching and to go to counselling, hoping this would help him to feel better and happier.
See how Becky used coaching to change her eating habits
Becky was referred to Be Well 1:1 coaching as she wanted to lose weight and feel more energised. She told her coach she was eating takeaway meals up to six times a week, usually ate while looking at screens, and impulsively ate sugary snacks, and she struggled to make changes as her partner controlled what they ate. She also felt stressed and was too tired from work to be active or prepare her own meals. So, Becky worked with her coach to make small, manageable changes. Her coach referred her to resources that could help her to eat healthier food. She talked to her partner, and they agreed to make changes. She worked on building awareness of her eating habits and began preparing her food in advance — something she already did for her children. She also decided to set limits on takeaway meals, walk during lunchtimes, and use social media less. Altogether, coaching empowered Becky to change her mindset and behaviour, reducing her stress and giving her the tools she needs to live better.
Discover how Debbie got her anxiety under control
Debbie referred herself to Be Well 1:1 coaching for support with anxiety and managing her weight. She was very anxious about her blood glucose levels, and was eating every couple of hours to prevent them from dropping. By asking open questions and listening closely to Debbie’s worries and experiences, Debbie’s coach worked with her to understand where her anxiety came from, and how she might manage her feelings differently. Debbie suggested painting and listening to music when she started to feel anxious, and said that she’d also benefit from moving more; her coach shared some exercises she could do at home, and Debbie set herself the goal of walking more often and further each day. After a few coaching sessions, Debbie felt like she had much more control over her health, and could manage her anxiety well enough to go at least four hours without eating
Is a 1:1 coach right for me?
Coaching is for anyone looking to find better balance in life and take ownership of their health. While you’ll get lots of support and guidance, it will be up to you to make changes — so it’s important you feel motivated. Many residents say their favourite thing about 1:1 coaching is the complete focus on them and their needs, so if you struggle to find the time or headspace to work out how to change, coaching could be just what you need.
Where are the 1:1 coaches based?
Our coaches are based all over Doncaster, so we should be able to match you with a coach nearby. Our coaches typically work from local GP practices and community venues, like libraries and family hubs. We can arrange times around things like work and care responsibilities, too — just tell us what suits you best.
What’s involved in 1:1 coaching?
You’ll have up to six, one-hour, 1:1 sessions to talk things through with your coach and get the support, guidance, and encouragement you need to make lasting changes. There won’t be any judgement or pressure, and you’ll never be pushed to do something that won’t work for you. Instead, you’ll come up with your own ideas and solutions. Depending on your needs, you might come away from coaching with habit trackers, sleep and food diaries, and other useful resources that will help you to stay on track.